API Job Specifications

Connector names include repo/output/mip support. Tab names are in parentheses with their fields under them. Followed by the field keys, description and type.

Alfresco Connector

Read=false: Write=true: MIP=true

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

alfresco_path Alfresco Path String
alfresco_create_content_url_always Create Content Url Always Boolean
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
alfMetaNoLowercase Do not convert metadata keys to lowercase Boolean
alfresco_is_debug Debug mode. Each document's metadata will be output as json file to a specified location Boolean
alfresco_debug_path Debug Path String
alfresco_extra_worker_count Alternative Thread Count Integer
multivalueseparator Multi-value field separator String
alfresco_is_replace Replace Existing Content Boolean
use_file_hash Use File Hash Boolean
alfresco_process_acls Process ACLs. Requires the use of the ACL Mapper or ACL Conversion Task Boolean
alfresco_inherit_acls Inherit ACLs. If processing ACLS The parent's ACL list will be merged into the child's. Boolean
includeanfm Include Aspects with no Field Mappings Boolean
arfm Aspect Remove Field Mapping String
alfdateformat Date Format String
alfdatetimeformat Date Time Format String
alfSecondaryAuthType Select a secondary authentication type. This is where 3Sixty will send document content. Select None" to write to the filesystem."  
alfS3AuthConn Select an S3 Authentication Connection String
defaultbucket Bucket Name String
s3maxconnections Max Connections Long
s3StageToFilesystem Stage Binary to Filesystem Boolean
aws_encryption Encrypt Object Server Side? Boolean
objectmetadatafields Object Metadata Fields String
usetm Use Transfer Manager Boolean
alfAzureAuthConn Select an Azure Blob Authentication Connection String
includebatchid Include Batch Id in output path Boolean
outputfolderpath Content Output Path. Will only write to the filesystem if Include File Content is checked. String

Amazon Glacier Connector

Read=false: Write=true: MIP=false

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
endpoint End Point. Overrides Region String
vault Vault String

Amazon S3 Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

crawlBucket Bucket Name String


Metadata is stored is separate files with the suffix .metadata.properties.xml



Retrieve File Tags



Max Connections


Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String


Bucket Name



Include Un-Mapped Properties



Use GZip



Do not generate XML when Outputting to S3



Use Transfer Manager



Stage Binary to Filesystem



Date Format



Date Time Format



Max Connections



Multi-value field separator



Use KMS to encrypt your objects






Disable Chunked Encoding



Set Path Style Access



Object Metadata Fields


Aprimo Connector

Read=false: Write=true: MIP=false

Azure Blob Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):Repository    
rootFolders Root Folders. Leave empty to crawl all folders in container. String
readTimeout Read timeout in seconds. Integer

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
azureMetaAsXML Output Metadata as XML Boolean
includedBatchId Include Batch ID in Output Path Boolean
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
objectmetadatafields Object Metadata Fields String
PARAM_AZ_INTEGRITY_CHECK Perform MD-5 Integrity Check Boolean
arfm Aspect Remove Field Mapping String
multivalueseparator Multi-value field separator String
azureDateFormat Date Format String
azureDateTimeFormat Date Time Format String

Batch Parser Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

ingestion_directory Ingestion Location String
file_pattern File Pattern String
parser_class Parser Type String
pre_parse_command Pre Parse Command String
server_and_port Server And Port String
user_name User Name String
password Password String

BFS Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):BFS Repository Configuration    
sourceDirectory Source Directory String
bfsNoLowerCase Do not convert metadata keys to lowercase Boolean
processFolders Process Folders Boolean
processFiles Process Files Boolean
checkMulti Check for multi valued fields Boolean
bfsMultiValueSeparator Multi-value field separator String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
multivalueseparator Multi-value field separator String
metadataasxml Output Metadata as XML Boolean
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
inheritAcl Inherit ACLs. If processing ACLS The parent's ACL list will be merged into the child's. Boolean
zipoutput Zip Output Boolean
includeAspect Include Aspects With No Field Mappings Boolean
arfm Aspect Remove Field Mapping String
bfsDateFormat Date Format String
bfsDateTimeFormat Date Time Format String

Bootstrap Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

bootInfo Basic configuration will only create basic metadata. If Include Binaries is checked, a file of random bytes equal to the size property will be created.  
numFiles Number of files to generate Integer
parentPath Parent path base String
createRangeStart Creation Date Range Start String
createRangeEnd Creation Date Range End String
modifiedRangeStart Last Modified Date Range Start String
modifiedRangeEnd Last Modified Date Range End String
sizeRangeStart Size Range Start (Bytes) Integer
sizeRangeEnd Size Range End (Bytes) Integer
useAllMime Allow for nonstandard mimetypes (200+ types) Boolean
bootInfoAdv Populating the config file field will override all basic configuration.  
configfile Config File Location String
generator File Generator String

Box Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

boxQuery Box Query String
boxFolderIds Folder Id's (comma delimited) String
boxContentTypes Content Types (comma delimited) String
crawlFolders Retrieve Folders Boolean
crawlFiles Retrieve Files Boolean
truncateParents Truncate parent paths to exclude folders above specified folders Boolean
getVersions Get Versions Boolean
vDepth Select the number of versions to retrieve, going backwards from the original. 0 will retrieve all versions Long
dontCrawl Retrieve Only Listed Folders/Files Boolean
addRepoCollaborations Retrieve Collaborations Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
outputfolderid Output Folder Id (Will take precedence over path if supplied) String
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
boxDateFormat Date Format String
boxDateTimeFormat Date Time Format String
addCollaborations Add Collaborations (Not needed if only adding to root folder) Boolean
stripCollaborations Strip Collaborations Boolean
collaborationsViewPath Collaborators Can View Path Boolean
collaborationsNotify Notify Collaborator on Add Boolean
collaborationsId Use ID to add Collaborations (Groups Only) Boolean
collaborationsParents Which folder to add collaboration. 0 for file, 1 for parent etc, -1 For configured root folder only. Please supply a list below if -1 String
collaborationsRoot Comma Delimited List of Collaborations to add to the root folder in [user]=[role] format. String
roll_back_onfail Remove document and previous versions if it fails to fully upload. Boolean
backOffInterval Milliseconds to wait in response to rate limit errors (multiplies times retries). Long
backOffRetried Number of retries to attempt before failing a document. Long
versionIfExists If a file with the same name already exists in the parent folder, create a new version Boolean
moveFiles Move Files Instead of Write (Box to Box only) Boolean
copyFiles Copy Files Instead of Write (Box to Box only) Boolean
preCache Pre Cache Folder Structure (Not Recommended) Boolean
large_files Use Large Files Method on Files over 20MB Boolean
only_create_folders Only Create Folders Boolean
check_template Only add template metadata if all listed fields are present. Format is standard JSON{template1" ["field1" field2 field(n)] template2 ["field1"]}. If left blank unmapped template fields will be empty" String

Centera Repository Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

CMIS Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

cmisQuery CMIS QueryYou must select from cmis document d.We use d.cmis lastModificationDate for date range queries String
cmisQueryOrderBy CMIS Query Order By String
versionDepth Version Depth Integer
includeRelationships Include Relationships will make the connector look for relationships on each document. Boolean
searchallversions Search All Versions? Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
strictversionmode Strict Version Mode (true/false) Boolean
cacheenabled CMIS Cache Enabled (true/false) Boolean
addacl Add ACLs Boolean
incaspnofm Include Aspects With No Field Mappings Boolean
eanvfl Aspect Remove Field Mapping String
cmisUpdateQuery CMIS Update Query String
cicoou Check In / Check Out On Updates Boolean
cmisupbin Update Binary on Updates Boolean

CSV Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

filepath CSV File Path If set, will be used to set the parent path. Otherwise parent path will be /"" String
csvtype CSV Type. Will be prepended to all properties. If blank, the type will be the [filename]_csv. String
separatorchar Separator Character String
escapechar Escape Character String
quotechar Quote Character String
filetypefield Document Type Sets the base type for the migrated documents String
maxrows Maximum number of rows, including the header. Set to 0 or leave blank to read the entire csv. Integer
pathfield Path Field The field that contains the absolute path to a file. If present will be used to set the parent path String
pathincludesfiles Path Includes Files If true and Path Field is not empty, 3Sixty will attempt to extract the file name from the path Boolean
filefield File Field If set, the field will be used to set the file name. String
idField Field which contains the source document Id. If blank, the id will be [csvfilepath] [row] String
datecreatedfield Created Date Field String
datemodifiedfield Modified Date Field String
csvDateTimeFormat Date format for Created and Modified fields. Uses java date formats. String
checkFormTimestamp Check if the created and modified dates are a 10 or 13 digit timestamp. Convert them to the configured format if present. Boolean
filelengthfield File Length Field The field which contains file length metadata. String
pathtofiles Path To Files If set, the connector will prepend this to the file path and search for a file at that location. String
failMissingContent If including content, fail a document if the supplied file path from the row does not lead to the file content Boolean

Documentum DFC Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):Run Options    
specdfcquery Query String
specmaxdoclength Content Max length Long
dfcqueuesize Document Queue Size Long
maxretries Max Document Retries Integer
specbfsmigration BFS Migration Boolean
specinheritparentprops Include Parent Folder Properties Boolean
parentfolderdepth Parent Folder Properties Depth Integer
specincludeacls Include ACLs Boolean
specincludefolders Include Folders Boolean
specfsstaging Filesystem Staging Location String
specusemountdrive Use Mounted Drive for Binary Boolean
specallversions All Versions Boolean
specuserenditions Use Renditions Boolean
specignoreuseren Ignore Use Renditions Mime Types String
specuserenditionasbinary Use First Matching Rendition as Binary? Boolean
specfirstrenditionmimetouse First Rendition MimeType to match and use as Binary String
processDeletes Process Deletes? String
dfcDeleteQuery Process Deletes Query String
dfcDeleteQueryStartDate Start Date Range for Process Deletes Query (replaces first %s) String
dfcDeleteQueryEndDate End Date Range for Process Deletes Query (replaces second %s) String
(Read Spec Tab):Cache Options    
specdfccacheitems Max Number of Items in Cache Integer

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

versionLabelField Version Label Field String
rootPath Root Path String
contentTypeRule Content Type Rules String
multivalueseparator Multi-value field separator String

DocuShare Repository Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

docushareQuery Docushare Query String
rootFolders Root Folders, Comma Delimited String
workSpaces Workspaces, Comma Delimited String
handles Object Handles, Comma Delimited String
includeUserHomes Crawl User Personal Collections? Boolean
processCollections Process Collections? Boolean
includeMailMessageDocs Include Message Attachments? Boolean
docushareChunkRate The rate in MBs to read DocuShare binaries (0 to read the file all at once) Long

DocuWare Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

cab_list Cabinet List String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

dwDateFormat Date Format String
dwDateTimeFormat Date Time Format String

Dropbox Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

dropboxFolders Repository Folders String
getFolder Get Folders Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

target_folder Target Folder String
generate_templates Generate Templates Boolean
maxRetries Max number of retries before failing a file. Long

Elasticsearch Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

modInfo This repository does not use the start and end time fields in the Details tab. Include any date checks in your query.  
indexes Indexes to crawl String
elQuery Query to run against each index. Leave blank to gather all documents within date range. String
pathfield The field that contains the absolute path to a file. If present will be used to set the parent path String
prependIndex Prepend index name to parent path Boolean
pathincludesfiles If true and Path Field is not empty, will be used to set the file name as well. Boolean
filefield If set, the field will be used to set the file name. Most output will fail documents if file name is not set. String
datecreatedfield Created Date Field String
mimetypefield The path which contains the mimetype. If not set, the mimetype will be guessed based on file extension String
filelengthfield The field which contains file length metadata. The size will be 0 otherwise String
datemodifiedfield Modified Date Field String
binaryField If including file content, what field contains the file binary data? String
includeRenditions Retrieve Renditions Boolean
renditionFields The fields that contain renditions. They will be checked in order. "" "If the field is an array the content will be processed in array order" String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

(Output Spec Tab):Server    
id_attribute ID Attribute String
index_name Index Name (must be lower case or the job will fail) String
elBatchSize Batch size. Integer
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
outputRenditions Output Renditions as array to the renditionData field. Boolean
es_vectorlist Term Vector Fields String

Email Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

maxbatchsize Max EMails Returned Long
folder Email Folder String
searchterm Search Term String
maxEwsRetries emailConnector.maxEwsRetries Long

Filesystem Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

paths folder paths to source files (see example) JSONArray

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String

FTP Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

paths folder paths to source files (see example) JSONArray

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
encryptdata Encrypt Data Boolean
epswithipv4 EPSV With IPV4 Boolean

Gmail Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

emails Email addresses of users String
mailQuery Gmail Query. This will completely override the default date range query. String
tagFilter Only retrieve emails with these tags String
messageFormat Select a format  
getAttachments Retrieve email attachments. Only works in HTML or Text mode. Boolean
batchThreads Each email thread fill be given its own folder Boolean
includeSpamTrash Includes trash and spam messages (to only retrieve one, use a query) Boolean

Google Drive Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

gdQuery Query String
crawlQueriedFolders If the query returns folders, crawl them Boolean
gdRootFolders Folder / File Id's (Comma Delimited) String
isSharedDrive This is a Shared Drive Boolean
sharedDrive The id of the shared drive. Can be found in the URL at the root of the drive String
gdProcessFolders Process Folders Boolean
getVersions Get Versions Boolean
getPermissions Get Permissions Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderId Output Folder Id String
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
isSharedDrive This is a Shared Drive Boolean
sharedDrive The id of the shared drive. Can be found in the URL at the root of the drive String
noPropsOnUpdate Do not update property values if file already exists. Boolean
addPerms Process permissions Boolean
notifyUsers Notify users via email when they are added to a file Boolean

IBM Content Manager OnDemand Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

odwek_folderlist Folder Search Criteria. Comma delimited String
odwek_sql Document SQL Search String
odwek_proc_folders Process Folders Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
cmodDateFormat Date Format String
cmodDateTimeFormat Date Time Format String

IBM FileNet Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):FileNet Repository    
fileNetQuery FileNet QuerySelect Id from" is automatically included" String
processFolders Process Folders Boolean
filenet_name_prop Name Property String
filenet_query_limit Query Limit String
filenet_page_size Page Size Integer
attach_extensions Add extension based on mimetype. Use this if your title field does not supply an extensions Boolean
getVersions Get Versions Boolean
multiple_content Documents have multiple binaries Boolean
get_annotations Get Annotations Boolean
get_permissions Get Permissions Boolean
fsStage Filesystem Staging Location String
fsStageTimeout Filesystem Staging Timeout (Milliseconds) Long

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

output_folder Output Folder Path String
do_not_file Do Not File new Documents. Output Path will be ignored, no new paths will be generated Boolean
check_filed Do not check if document is filed before adding it to a folder. Will version if the file already exists. Boolean

iManage Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

folders Folders to Crawl, Comma Delimited String
clients Client Id's (Comma delimited. If entered, client ID's will take precedence over folders) String
getVersions Get Versions Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean

Infor Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):Query    
query Query String

Output (Write) Specs

JDBC Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):JDBC Processor Config    
processorclass Processor Class String
query SQL Query String
fquery Failed ID Query String
idField ID Field String
fetchsize Fetch Size String
inputdirectory Input Directory String
outputdirectory Output Directory String
internalqueuesize Internal Queue Size String
process_content Include Content Boolean
minPoolSize Minimum connection pool size Long

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

jdbc_table JDBC Table Name String
jdbc_key JDBC Output Key String
jdbc_catalog Catalog String
jdbc_schema Schema String
jdbc_binary_column_name Binary Column Name String
jdbc_datetime_format JDBC Date Time Format String
jdbc_auto_create Auto Create Boolean
quoteIdentifier Quote Identifier Property String
minPoolSize Minimum connection pool size Long

Jira Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

project_keys Jira Project Keys String
board_ids Jira Board Ids String

Kafka Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Meridio Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

path File Path String
party_id Party ID(comma delimited) String

Microsoft Dataverse Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

query Query String
entitySet Entity Set String
entityId Entity Id Property String
nameField Name Property String
createdDate Created Date Property String
modifiedDate Modified Date Property String
binaryField Binary Property String
rootVersion Root Version Id Property String
isLatest Is Latest Version Property String
majorVersion Major Version Label Property String
minorVersion Minor Version Label Property String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

entitySet Entity Set String
entityId Entity Id Property String
nameField Name Property String
binaryField Binary Property String

Microsoft Exchange Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

batchsize Batch Size Long
basefolder Folder to Start Crawl String
cleansepath Cleanse Path Boolean
searchby LDAP Search By String
searchvalue LDAP Search Value String
searchbase LDAP Search Base String
emailList Email Address List String
maxEwsRetries Microsoft EWS API max calls Long

Microsoft Graph Mail Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

mailbox Email Addresses String
format Select a format  
allUsers Get All Mailboxes (will override mailbox list) Boolean

Microsoft Graph One Drive Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

query A search term to query. Leave blank to retrieve all files in drive String
processFolders Process Folders Boolean
getVersions Get Versions Boolean
getPermissions Get Permissions Boolean

Microsoft Graph SharePoint Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

sitelist List of Sites to Crawl. Use 'root' for root site String
listlist Libraries to Crawl. String
allLists Crawl all libraries (will ignore library list). Boolean
subsites Crawl subsites. Boolean
processFolders Process Folders Boolean
getVersions Get Versions Boolean
getPermissions Get Permissions Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outtenant Tenant Name String
outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
outsite Default site for output. Use 'root' for your the root site String
checkSiteOverride Check documents for a value to override destination site Boolean
siteOverrideField Field to check for site override value String
outlist Default library for output. Use Documents for the default list String
checkListOverride Check documents for a value to override destination list Boolean
listOverrideField Field to check for list override value String
createList Create list if it does not exist Boolean
failList Fail documents routed to the list if list creation fails. Boolean
maxRetries The number of retry attempts per document before the document fails Long
rollback Roll back files that fail to have their metadata or permissions set due to errors or throttling. Boolean
setACLs Set ACLs for documents when available. Boolean

Microsoft Graph Teams Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

teamName The Name of the Team to migrate. Only one team can be accessed at a time String
migType What would you like to retrieve?  
getFiles Retrieve files associated with the team (will retrieve files for all channels) Boolean
channels Channels to migrate String
allChannels Retrieve All Channels Boolean
getMessages Get messages from listed channels from between configured times Boolean
breakChats Break down each chat message into an individual document Boolean
breakType If breaking down chat messages, select a format for chat messages  
userFilter Only retrieve chats from the listed users. Leave blank to retrieve all messages String
modelWarn This function may incur costs, as the API has restricted usage. See <a target=_blank" href="https //docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chats-getallmessages?view=graph-rest-beta">this page</a> for more information"  
getUsers The display name of user's whose chats to pull String
chatsmodel Preferred licensing and payment requirement model. Evaluation is free, but limited to 500 messages a month. String
getAttachments Retrieve attachments attached to chat logs Boolean

Mobius Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

repoName Repository Name String
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean


Mobius List File Connector

Read=false: Write=true: MIP=false

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputPath Output Folder Path String
reportID Report ID String
topicScope Topic Scope String
includeUnmapped Include Unmapped Properties Boolean
dateFormat Date Format String

MongoDB Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

collections Comma delimited list of collections to crawl. String
idField Select what field will act as the source id for the document. String
query Query String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

collection Collection String
simMeta Insert 3Sixty Metadata Boolean
useBulkWrite Use bulk write operations (MongoDB only) Boolean
bulkCount Number of documents to write per bulk operations Long
includedUnMapped Include Un-Mapped Properties Boolean
dropAndBuildIndexes Drop and Build Indexes Boolean
indexKeys Index Keys String
textField Text Index Keys String
upsertKey Upsert Key String
writeConcern MongoDB Write Concern String
fileStoreConnId File Store Connector Id String

Nuxeo Repository Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

nuxeoQuery Nuxeo Query String
processFolders Process Workspaces (will use type Folder) Boolean
getPermissions Get Permissions Boolean

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
nuxeoDateFormat Date Format String
nuxeoDateTimeFormat Date Time Format String

Objective Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=true

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

folders Comma delimited list of folders to crawl String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String

OpenText Content Server Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

paths folder paths to source files (see example) JSONArray

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String

Oracle WCC Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

wcc_query Oracle WCC Search Query (Formatted in Universal Query Syntax) String
getVersions Get Versions Boolean

Reporting Connector

Read=false: Write=true: MIP=true

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

mark Audit documents as... String

Salesforce Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs

Salesforce Query. Certain SQL operations such as joins are not permitted. See Salesforce's SOQL documentation for further details.



Data Type

defaultNameField Field to use as file name. Use a selected field from your query (Ex. Account.AccountNumber) String
soqlQuery SOQL Query String

ServiceNow Repository Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

(Read Spec Tab):ServiceNow Query Config    
snQuery ServiceNow Query Parameters String

SharePoint REST Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

siteName Site Name (or path, if part of a site group, ie sites/MySite). String
listName List Title String
getVersions Get Versions Boolean
getFolders Get Folder Metadata? Boolean
folderNote Do not tick <b>Get Folder Metadata</b>" if you have "<b>Override Folder Path</b>" task added to your job"  
getPermissions Get Permissions Boolean
dateTimeParser Parser Date & Time format String

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

siteNameOut Site Name (or path, if part of a site group, ie sites/MySite). String
listNameOut List Title String
outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String
chunkRetries How many times should 3Sixty attempt to start a chunked upload. Integer
chunkRetryWait How long to wait between checks for the target file when performing a chunked upload (milliseconds). Integer

Solr Output Connector

Read=false: Write=true: MIP=false

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

collection Solr Core Name String
idAttribute ID Attribute String
autocommit Autocommit Boolean
waitflush Enable Wait Flush Boolean
waitsearcher Enable Wait Searcher Boolean
softcommit Enable Soft Commit Boolean
commitFrequency Commit frequency Integer
queuesize Solr Cloud Queue Size Long
vectorlist Term Vector field String

Twitter Connector

Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false view connector

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

twitter_screen_names Screen Names to Crawl, Comma Delimited String
twitter_max_pages Max Tweet Pages Long
twitter_retries How many times to retry an operation if it fails due to hitting the rate limit. Long
twitter_media If a tweet has images or video attached, retrieve their content Boolean
twitter_table Format tweet content to resemble Twitter UI (produces HTML) Boolean

WebDAV Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Output (Write) Specs



Data Type

outputfolderpath Output Folder Path String

Zendesk Connector

Read=true: Write=true: MIP=false

Repo (Read) Specs



Data Type

zendesk_query Zendesk Ticket Search Query (Do not include type property or updated property. Those are set automatically. Type is set as ticket and we Query Updated based on Start and End times for Job) String