Objective ECM/Nexus
A logical, intuitive UX. Informative dashboards. Powerful business process capabilities. Focus on outcomes as well as information management.
Authentication Connections
Note: Passthrough authentication currently only works for ECM content service:
Objective Basic Authentication Connector: passthrough username and password
Objective OAuth Connector: only passthrough username
Objective Basic Authentication
Important: Objective Basic auth connector does not work for ECM Nexus
Connection Name: Unique Name for the Auth Connection to identify it in the UI.
Username: The username to authenticate with the repository if applicable.
Password: The password to authenticate with the repository if applicable.
Server URL: The URL to your Objective server
Objective OAuth Connection
Important: Minimum required version of ECM/Nexus is 11.2 for OAuth connections
Name: Connector Name
Server URL: Server URL e.g https://myserver.objective.com
User Id: User Id with permissions to execute API calls
Client Id: Client Id generated when setting up the client application
Client Secret: Client secret generated when setting up the client application
Discovery Connector
Discovery Instance Configuration Fields
Name: Unique Name for the Discovery Connection to identify it in the UI.
Authentication Connection: Your Objective Authentication Connection
Ignore Types: Comma delimited list of types to ignore.
Integration Connection
Also known as input an output connections. Their job is to query or crawl remote systems for files, folders, metadata, versions, and renditions. Click here for more information on setting up an integration connection.
Connection Name: This is a unique name given to the connector instance upon creation.
Description: A description of the connector to help identify it better
Authentication Connection: Your Objective Auth Connection
Job Configuration
Comma delimited list of folders to crawl: ** For this field use FolderIds
Output Specification
Output Folder Path: Folder ID to start output. Note that the path from the source will be duplicated in the output and subsequent folders will be created as needed.
Instead of write (Objective to Objective only): An additional option when running a job from one Objective to another is to update the metadata instead of moving files.
Note: The Objective connector uses the job's Repository Time Zone field for time zone conversion. The output Time Zone field is ignored, since 3Sixty always sends ECM a UTC DateTime.
Note: Duplication Check Task
Given the ECM connector is the source repository, when there are two of the same documents in the source repository with different paths; and if documents are pptx, docx, xlsx files, the ECM seems to change these documents and their MD5 code are different. Therefore, when the job for ECM to ECM has a duplication check task with a field to compare as file content hash, it will create a new version for these types of documents.
When the duplication check task field to Compare is set as File content hash, and there are two emails with the same content and the same subject, the MD5 codes will still be different for these two emails. Because of this, 3Sixty cannot use duplication check task to skip one of them.
Only new files greater than 100MB are up chunked and uploaded.
Chunked uploads do not take place if the file already exists in the Objective folder specified.
Linked documents and version updates are not currently supported by this feature.
Important: When adding job mapping, the type mapping and aspect mapping should be added first and then add the calculate mapping and field mapping.
When "Field Mapping" from ECM connector, make sure fields do not have "document." prefix. For example, "document.dateUpdated" must be written as "dateUpdated" Remove the "document." prefix added by schema instance.
SharePoint Connection: When mapping "Modified by" field of SharePoint, schema instance will add it as "Document.Modified By", but it must be manually changed to "Document.simflofy_last_modified_by".
EMail Integrations
*For the MS Graph Mail connector and the Exchange Email connectors
In a job MS Graph Mail connector / Exchange Email connector to ECM with the job type set as manage in place, if the user changes the object type to E-Mail Message type through mapping, then when running the job, the external records will generate in ECM with object type as E-Mail Message and the default metadata fields set in the E-Mail Message will not get a value.
Content Service Connection
Supported Methods
Create Folder
Get File Content
Get Object Properties
Delete Object By id
List Folder items
Manage In Place
For Objective ECM Version 11.3+
Manage in Place (MIP) is intended for organisations who have their content spread out across multiple repositories (file shares, M365 sources like SharePoint, Exchange, OneDrive, or other line of business applications) and wish to centrally govern the content while meeting the records compliance needs. It allows users to manage their content's lifecycle through Objective ECM without the need to transfer it from its original location.
Click here for details on setting up your Manage in Place Jobs
API Keys
Objective Connector: Read=true: Write=true: MIP=true
Repo (Read) Specs
Key |
Description |
Data Type |
folders | Comma delimited list of folders to crawl | String |
Output (Write) Specs
Key |
Description |
Data Type |
outputfolderpath | Output Folder Path | String |