The Bootstrap Repository Connector is used for quickly generating dummy files and metadata to test things such as mappings and tasks.
The basic setup gives a number of ranges for specific metadata fields for each file.
Files generated by this connector will have the following metadata:
Document Length
Document Mimetype (Content Type)
A Parent folder path
A Last Modified Date
A Created Date
If Include Binaries is checked under Advanced Settings, a fake binary within the configured size range will be attached to the metadata.
Files will have a randomised name of letters and numbers and will be of a randomized mimetype from the following list of extensions:
Extension listeml
Integration Connection
Most Integration Connections can act in both repository (read) and output (write) modes. If it can't, it will not appear as an option when creating or editing a job. This connection can only be used as a repository connection. Click here for more information on setting up an integration connection.
Connection Name: This is a unique name given to the connector instance upon creation.
Description: A description of the connector to help identify it better.
Job Configuration
When the Bootstrap connector has been selected as the repository connector of a given job, additional configurations will need to be provided within the Job.
Basic Configuration
Use this when you need to quickly generate files
If Include Binaries in the Details tab is checked, the dummy files will include a file which matches the size on the metadata. The content of the file will not be particularly useful.
Number of files to generate: This is a count of individual files, not batches of files.
Parent path base: Sets the parent path metadata for the files being generated.
Creation Date Range Start : The first possible date for the Created Date metadata
Creation Date Range End : The last possible date for the Created Date metadata
Last Modified Date Range Start : The first possible date for the Last Modified Date metadata
Last Modified Date Range End : The last possible date for the Last Modified Date metadata
Size Range Start (Bytes): The minimum size of the document
Size Range End (Bytes): The maximum size of the document
Allow for non standard mimetypes: Expands the list of mimetypes (200+)
Advanced Configuration
Config File Location: This is the location where the config/properties file resides
File Generator: Type of file generator (Random or Linear)
Advanced Configuration Properties
outputRootDir (string): The root output folder for each document's parent
path.templateDir (string): folder which contains template files to use as content
numberOfFiles (int): number of files to create per repository thread
maxFilesInTree(int): Limits number of files per folder tree
folderPattern(string): A pattern using date parts that will create a parent based on the current date and pattern. Default pattern is /yyyy/M/dd/kk/mm/ss/(kk is hours)
File Names(String): File names will take the format[name.first][name.middle][name.last].
Each of the following properties should be a path to a text file with a list of options for file names.
API Keys
Bootstrap Connector: Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false
Repo (Read) Specs
Key |
Description |
Data Type |
bootInfo | Basic configuration will only create basic metadata. If Include Binaries is checked, a file of random bytes equal to the size property will be created. | |
numFiles |
Number of files to generate |
Integer |
parentPath |
Parent path base |
String |
createRangeStart |
Creation Date Range Start |
String |
createRangeEnd |
Creation Date Range End |
String |
modifiedRangeStart |
Last Modified Date Range Start |
String |
modifiedRangeEnd |
Last Modified Date Range End |
String |
sizeRangeStart |
Size Range Start (Bytes) |
Integer |
sizeRangeEnd |
Size Range End (Bytes) |
Integer |
useAllMime |
Allow for nonstandard mimetypes (200+ types) |
Boolean |
bootInfoAdv |
Populating the config file field will override all basic configuration. |
configfile |
Config File Location |
String |
generator |
File Generator |
String |
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