Job Tasks Overview
Job tasks provide a processing pipeline for documents and metadata. This means doing things like:
Filtering content out or in based on rules, such as metadata values
Cleaning up file names or file paths
Re-Parenting based on rules
Extracting metadata from paths
Adding metadata from third parties such as Databases, Rest APIs, OCR Engines, etc...
Transforming documents from one mime type to another, such as Word to PDF.
Transforming metadata
PII - Personally Identifiable Information - detection
Adding Tasks to Jobs
There are over 30 tasks available out of the box and 3Sixty is adding more all the time. This is the most popular extension point in 3Sixty.
You can choose and configure job tasks on a per-job basis from the Tasks tab in any given Job.
You can re-order the pipeline by dragging and dropping the tasks. You can delete tasks or add new tasks.
The default recommended thread count is 1.
These tasks run in order, meaning if something is changed with the documents or metadata in one task, then the following tasks will see those changes.
Task Groups
Users can create task groups for tasks they will use often so they do not have to constantly create them for every job. When you select "Yes" under use a task group, a second box will pop up.
Run Group Task Options:
Select before or after to let 3Sixty know when to run the tasks in the group. Selecting before will run the group tasks prior to any addition tasks listed in the job, while selecting after will run the tasks after the others.
In the drop down provided, select the Task group you would like to run with this job. Once selected you will see a list of all the tasks in the group. Click on the eye icon to view the details of each task. To edit the tasks go to the Task Group section of 3Sixty.
Objective 3Sixty allows conditional execution of tasks and post processors in jobs.
All tasks contain the following fields that enable this feature:
Stop processing
Condition is a text field that can contain a 3Sixty expression. If the Condition field is empty, or the result of it is any of the following, then the task will be executed:
This check is not case sensitive, so true, TRUE and tRuE are all accepted values.
If the result of the condition is anything but the values mentioned above, then the task will be skipped (not executed).
Stop processing, is a boolean field (checkbox) that stops further tasks from being processed if the condition is true.
Here is an example:
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