Salesforce, Inc. is an American cloud-based software company head quartered in San Francisco, California. It provides customer relationship management service and also provides a complementary suite of enterprise applications focused on customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and application development.
Authentication Connection
The Authentication connection configuration is simple as it only contains three parts.
Username: User id for the account you're accessing from. This is usually in the form of an email address, but could vary.
Password: Your password is a combination of your normal password and the security token for your account. If you have not created a security token, follow the steps here. The format of your password should be (user password)(token). So if your password is 1234 and my token is hjdu2983, you will enter 1234hjdu2983 into the password field.
Example: 1234hjdu2983
Server URL: This is the url that points to your instance of Salesforce.
Discovery Connector
The Salesforce Discovery Connector allows a user to connect to their Salesforce domain and extract information about available data types and metadata. More info
Discovery Configuration
Name: Give your connector a name.
Authentication Connector: Select your Salesforce Authentication Connector
Ignore Types: (Optional) A comma delimited list of types to ignore.
Integration Connection
The Salesforce Integration Connection allows you to retrieve information and documents using SOQL, Salesforce's object query language.
Note: 3Sixty currently supports version
Salesforce Integration Connection Configuration
Connection Name: This is a unique name given to the connector instance upon creation.
Description: A description of the connector to help identify it better.
Authentication Connector: Your Salesforce Auth Connector
Job Configuration
Salesforce Repository
Default Name Field : This field will be used to extract the document name from the columns of data. It should be formatted {type}.{field}.
Example : Account.Name when selection FROM Account
Example : ContentVersions.Title when selecting from ContentVersions
SOQL Query : The query to run against Salesforce. All fields that you intend to extract or map should be included in this query.
Example : SELECT AccountNumber,BillingCity,CreatedById,CreatedDate,Id,LastModifiedDate,Name,OwnerId FROM Account
Test your query using the Salesforce Workbench tool.
See Salesforce documentation on SOQL
Salesforce Output
Note: INFO
Salesforce output is not currently supported.
If querying the account table with Get File Content checked in the job details tab, 3Sixty will atempt to retrieve all Attachment which reference the Account as a parent.
Caution: *The ID for the object is required and must be included in the query.
Currently, this connector can only retrieve Attachments and ContentVersions. In order to retrieve Content Versions you must query them directly. Here's an example query that will retrieve the standard 3Sixty metadata:
Select Id,ContentDocumentId,ContentUrl,Description,FileType,PathOnClient,Title,ContentModifiedById,ContentModifiedDate,CreatedDate,ContentSize from ContentVersion
Content Services Connection
This section covers the Salesforce specific configuration of the Content Service Connector. For a description of how to set up a content services connector generically see Content Service Connectors.
The only configuration required for this connector is the Salesforce Authentication Connector.
Supported Methods
Create File
Create Folder
Create Version
Delete Folder
Delete Object By Id
Get File Content
Get Object Id By Path
Get Object Properties
Get Type
Get Type Definition
Get Version Content
Get Version Properties
List Versions
API Keys
Salesforce Connector: Read=true: Write=false: MIP=false
Repo (Read) Specs
Certain SQL operations such as joins are not permitted. See Salesforce's SOQL documentation for further details.
Key |
Description |
Data Type |
defaultNameField |
Field to use as file name. Use a selected field from your query (Ex. Account.AccountNumber) |
String |
soqlQuery |
SOQL Query |
String |