API Objects
This is an overview of object formats and API basics. For a full list of endpoints go to our swagger docs.
Include the license as the body in plain text (Content-Type: text/plain). The response will include the number of documents on the license. The new license will automatically be set to active.
{"success":true, "results": 10000}
Representation of Connectors and what auth types they support. The API will only return connectors that the currently active license supports.
"authType": [
"description": "Filesystem Connector",
"name": "Filesystem Connector",
"typeId": "filesystem"
"FTP": {
"authType": [
"description": "Connector to a FTP/S Server",
"name": "FTP Connector",
"typeId": "ftp"
"authType": [
"description": "Google Drive Connector",
"name": "Google Drive Connector",
"typeId": "googleDrive"
"S3": {
"authType": [
"description": "Connects to Amazon S3",
"name": "Amazon S3 Connector",
"typeId": "s3"
Key | Description |
authType | An array of authentication options for the connector. Reflects the different types of Authentication Connectors this connector supports |
description | Connector description |
name | Connector name |
typeId | The key to identify this connector type when making API calls |
Connections are a combination of Integration and Authentication connections.
Returned Object
"name": "S3",
"description": "s3",
"authenticationId": "5f2da102dbca9c0b610e28a1",
"id": "5f3d37ba4448c83a13785336",
"properties": {
"usepreemptive": "false",
"proxyport": "0",
"proxyusername": "",
"aws_secret": "**********",
"proxyworkstation": "",
"timeout": "100",
"proxypassword": "**********",
"proxyprotocol": "",
"awsInfo": "",
"endpoint": "",
"proxydomain": "",
"aws_access_key": "AKIAJEQLDNHEINWQHQRQ",
"region": "us-east-1",
"proxyhost": ""
Key | Description |
name | Name of the connection |
description | Description of the connection |
authenticationId | In the UI there will be an authentication connection associated with this connection. Its name will be "{name} + Authentication". This is the ID for that connection.When updating Tasks and post processors, use this id |
id | The id of the integration connection. Use this for jobs and job groups (coming soon) |
properties | A JSON Object containing all the distinct properties for the authentication connection |
Creating Connections
The following json is a body to create an Alfresco connector
"name": "Alfresco Connection",
"description": "Alfresco connection",
"typeId": "alfresco",
"authType": "basic",
"properties": {
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"serverUrl": "http://localhost:8080"
Key | Description |
name | The name of the connection. Must be alphanumeric and unique |
description | The name of the connection. Must be alphanumeric |
typeId | The type id of the connection to be created. If a type that is not under the current license is sent, the call will fail. This value cannot be changed once set |
authType | The type of authentication to use. If an authType that is not used by the connector is passed in, the call will fail |
properties | All fields are required for create this connection. If any key is missing from this object, the call will fail. To retrieve these fields, call /v2/connections/{typeId}/{authType} |
Updating Connections (PUT)
Use the identical body for creating a connection, but change the values. As stated previously, typeId cannot be changed. If changing the authType, the properties object must contain all fields from the new authentication type, or the call will fail. Attempting to include the id field in the body will also cause the call to fail. This is the only way to change authType
Updating Connection (PATCH)
Use a flat JSON body. This body can include name and description, plus any other properties for authentication Here's an example of how to update the above connection using PATCH. Including authType, typeId, or id in the body will cause the call to fail.
"name": "newName",
"username": "differentUser"
Job returns currently contain more information that can be altered using the APIs. See the table below the example for fields that can be altered. Items like the name of the connections involved and timestamp data are read only.
Returned Object
"auditAllMappings": false,
"chainJobWaitInterval": "",
"contentServiceName": "fswiki",
"queueCapacity": 1000,
"repositoryTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"outputTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"outputSpec": {
"outputRenditions": false,
"id_attribute": "source_repository_id",
"es_vectorlist": "",
"elBatchSize": 20,
"includedUnMapped": true,
"index_name": "hang2"
"runTaskGroupAfter": false,
"outputId": "5f2d5f6d4448c83a1373a26c",
"emailNotify": "NONE",
"repoThreadCount": 1,
"tagsList": [],
"postProcessorThreadsCount": 1,
"modified": 1719523581281,
"startTime": 1267906320000,
"modifiedBy": "admin",
"id": 1684339491099,
"jobMappingId": 0,
"tasks": [
"taskInstanceName": "Default Tika Text Extraction",
"beanName": "tikaExtractorTask",
"taskName": "Tika Text Extraction",
"position": 0,
"id": "08c13d5b-cf4d-4b74-96a5-3edccc13c881",
"type": "PROCESSOR",
"fields": [
"value": "false",
"key": "use_condition"
"value": "",
"key": "task_condition"
"value": "false",
"key": "task_stop_proc"
"value": "content",
"key": "tejt_field_to_mark"
"value": "0",
"key": "tejt_max_length"
"value": "",
"key": "tejt_etp"
"value": "true",
"key": "tejt_fail_on_error"
"value": "true",
"key": "tejt_rm_bin"
"eventConfigurations": [],
"chainJob": 0,
"taskThreadsCount": 5,
"repoId": "5f34383a4448c83a1375eee4",
"outputName": "Elastic Output",
"historyRetention": "ALWAYS",
"postProcessors": [],
"includeBinary": true,
"created": 1678133553269,
"emailTo": "",
"auditEmptyMapping": false,
"mappings": [
"sourceType": "TEXT",
"watch": false,
"mappingType": "FIELD_MAPPING",
"targetType": "TEXT",
"source": "content",
"position": 0,
"target": "content"
"taskGroupId": 0,
"maxErrors": 0,
"createdBy": "admin",
"name": "El Wiki2 (Hang)",
"outputThreadCount": 5,
"readSpec": {
"paths": [
"path": "/Users/ryan/Documents/testfiles/wikis2",
"converttouri": false,
"fileconfig_processfolders": false,
"includehidden": false,
"includeempty": false
"endTime": 1709755920000,
"batchSize": 0,
"mappingGroupId": 0
Creating a Job
The following body will create a job. This example is for a SharePointREST to Bulk Filesystem job. Note that outputSpec is an empty object here. This means the output spec fields will be automatically generated using default values. See the table below for information on each field, formatting requirements, and which endpoints can alter the field.
"auditAllMappings": false,
"auditEmptyMapping": false,
"batchSize": 0,
"chainJob": 0,
"chainJobWaitInterval": "",
"readSpec": {
"acls": false,
"getPermissions": false,
"siteName": "sites/3SixtyTestSite",
"getVersions": false,
"listName": "",
"dateTimeParser": "AU",
"getFolders": false
"emailNotify": "NONE",
"emailTo": "",
"endTime": 1736363460000,
"eventConfigurations": [],
"historyRetention": "ALWAYS",
"includeBinary": true,
"jobMappingId": 0,
"mappingGroupId": 0,
"mappings": [
"source": "source1",
"target": "target1",
"mappingType": "FIELD_MAPPING",
"targetType": "TEXT",
"watch": false
"source": "source2",
"target": "target2",
"mappingType": "ASPECT_MAPPING",
"targetType": "DOUBLE",
"watch": false
"maxErrors": 0,
"name": "API TEST JOB",
"outputId": "outputId",
"outputSpec": {},
"outputThreadCount": 1,
"outputTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"postProcessorThreadsCount": 1,
"postProcessors": [],
"queueCapacity": 1000,
"repoId": "repoId",
"repoThreadCount": 1,
"repositoryTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"runTaskGroupAfter": false,
"startTime": 1546974660000,
"taskGroupId": 0,
"taskThreadsCount": 1,
"tasks": [
"taskName": "Default Override Folder Path",
"typeName": "overrideFolderPathTask",
"fields": {
"jt_folderpath_pattern": "'/'"
Key | Description | Type | Format Notes |
auditAllMappings | All mappings will be audited as if their "watch" value was set to true | boolean | |
auditEmptyMapping | Audited mappings will be skipped if they didn't end up producing a value. This will audit the final value as an empty string | boolean | |
batchSize | Setting this value above 0 will automatically enable batching behavior. Documents will be assigned a batchId. Check documentation for whether the output connector supports batching. Required for Alfresco. | integer | max 1000 |
chainJob | A job id of a job you want to immediately run after the completion of this job | long | jobid |
chainJobWaitInterval | How long to wait to run the chained job. Format is [integer][time unit], 1d is 1 Day, 2m is 2 minutes, 30s is 30 seconds. h,m,s,and d are supported. If not included with a chain job. The internal be 1h (1 hour) | String | |
readSpec | The job specification for the reading connection.Sending a blank JSON Object will generate a default specification for the connection. For now a field list can be gathered using GET /api/v2/connectors/{typeId}/specification/{function}, where function is "read" or "write'. Can be updated sending a complete specification to **PUT /api/v2/jobs/{jobid}/specification/{function}**, or PATCH with JSON of keys and values | JSONObject | |
emailNotify | If the email service is set up, can send emails to specified addresses. Values are NONE, ON_ERROR, ALWAYS. Default is NONE | String | capitalized |
emailTo | If emailNotify is not NONE, a comma delimited list of emails to notify. | String | comma delimited |
endTime | Most connectors only read documents within a specific time frame, configured on the job. This is the latest possible modified date and time to read in a document. Takes an epoch millisecond ex. 1546974660000 | long | epoch millisecond |
eventConfigurations | Only works on Event Jobs. A JSONArray of event configuration keys. Event configurations can be created in the UI or found at /api/integration/eventconfigurations | JSONArray | Strings |
historyRetention | How long to hold on to job audits for this job. The job history cleanup service runs daily and checks this value. Values are "ALWAYS", "WEEK", "MONTH", "QUARTER", "HALFYEAR", "YEAR". Default is ALWAYS | String | capitalized |
includeBinary | Whether or not to read document content | boolean | |
jobMappingId | The id of an external set of job mappings | long | |
jobType | Options are "SIMPLE_MIGRATION", "INCREMENTAL_MIGRATION", "EVENT" (MIP will be added later) | String | capitalized |
mappingGroupId | The id of an external mapping group | long | |
mappings | A JSONArray of valid mapping JSON objects. See the mapping fields for the format | JSONArray | JSONObject |
maxErrors | How many errors before the job fails. Default is 0 | integer | max 10000 |
name | The name of the job | String | |
outputId | The guid of the output connection. Can only be changed as part of a PUT request | String | guid |
outputSpec | The specification for the output connection. Sending a blank JSON Object will generate a default specfication for the connection. For now a field list can be gathered using /api/v2/connectors/{typeId}/specification/{function}, where function is "read" or "write'. Can be updated sending a complete specification to PUT /api/v2/jobs/{jobid}/specification/{function}, or PATCH with JSON of keys and values | JSONObject | |
outputThreadCount | How many worker threads to use for writing | integer | |
outputTimeZone | A valid time zone string. See this list. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E72987_01/wcs/tag-ref/MISC/TimeZones.html | String | |
postProcessorThreadsCount | How many worker threads to use for post processing | integer | |
postProcessors | A JSONArray of valid task JSON objects. See task fields for format and info | JSONArray | JSONObject |
queueCapacity | How many document's can be held in the queue before reading pauses | integer | min 100, max 5000 |
recordAuditScope | What types of documents to audit during a run. Values are "FAILED_ONLY", "FAILED_AND_DELETED", "FAILED_SKIPPED", "FAILED_DELETED_AND_WRITTEN", "FAILED_DELETED_SKIPPED_WRITTEN", "ALL". Default is FAILED_DELETED_SKIPPED_WRITTEN | String | capitalized |
repoId | The guid of the read connection. Can only be changed as part of a PUT request | String | guid |
repoThreadCount | How many worker threads to use for reading. | integer | |
repositoryTimeZone | A valid time zone string. See this list. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E72987_01/wcs/tag-ref/MISC/TimeZones.html | String | |
runTaskGroupAfter | If including a task group, whether to run the group before or after the job tasks. | boolean | |
startTime | Most connectors only read documents within a specific time frame, configured on the job. This is the earliest possible modified date and time to read in a document. Takes an epoch millisecond ex. 1546974660000 | long | epoch millisecond |
taskGroupId | The id of a task group to use with the job. Currently available from GET /api/taskgrouprunner/list | long | |
taskThreadsCount | How many worker threads to use for tasks | JSONArray | JSONObject |
tasks | A JSONArray of valid task JSON objects. See task fields for format and info |
Special Read Specification: Filesystem
The filesystem, ftp, and otcs connector have a unique structure to their read spec field. The field is called paths and takes a JSONArray of path objects.
"readSpec": {
"paths": [
"path": "/Users/user/Downloads",
"converttouri": false,
"fileconfig_processfolders": false,
"includehidden": false,
"includeempty": false
"path": "/Users/user/Documents",
"converttouri": false,
"fileconfig_processfolders": false,
"includehidden": false,
"includeempty": false
Key | Description |
path | The file path to read |
converttouri | Replace all backslashes with forward slashes |
fileconfig_processfolders | Process folders as if they were documents |
includehidden | Process hidden files |
includeempty | Process empty folders. |
If updating a job specification using PATCH, the whole paths array must be replaced
Updating Whole Jobs (PUT)
There are four options when using PUT.
Endpoint | Usage and Requirements |
/api/v2/jobs/{{jobId}} | Update the whole jobs, including tasks, mappings, and specifications. |
/api/v2/jobs/{{jobId}}/mappings | Replaces the mappings on a job using an JSONArray of mapping objects (see example as well as Mappings section) |
/api/v2/jobs/{{jobId}}/tasks | Replaces the tasks value on a job using an JSONArray of task objects (see example as well as Mappings section) |
/api/v2/jobs/{{jobId}}/postprocessors | Replaces the postprocessors value on a job using an JSONArray of task objects (see example as well as Mappings section) |
Partially Updating a Job (PATCH)
There are option when using PATCH. All of these methods take a flat JSON with the keys to change and their new values.
Endpoint | Usage and Requirements |
/api/v2/jobs/{{jobId}}/config | Updates basic job details. See Job Fields table for what can and cannot be altered by this endpoint. |
jobs/{id}/specification/{function} | Update the read or write specification. Takes flat JSON body of keys and values for the connector. |
jobs/{id}/tasks/{taskId} | Update a specific task using the taskId found through GET /jobs/{id} or GET /jobs/{id}/tasks |
jobs/{id}/postprocessors/{taskId} | Update a specific task using the taskId found through GET /jobs/{id} or GET /jobs/{id}/postprocessors |
Tasks are currently only associated with jobs. Much like authentication connections, when creating them, there are required fields based on the type of task. Here is the returned body for the text extraction task above, using GET /api/v2/tasks/tikaExtractorTask
"name": "Tika Text Extraction",
"typeId": "tikaExtractorTask",
"fields": [
"name": "Check a condition before executing this task.",
"description": "",
"id": "use_condition",
"type": "CHECKBOX"
"dependsOn": "use_condition",
"name": "Condition",
"description": "It will execute the task when the condition's result is 'true', 't', 'on', '1', or 'yes' (case-insensitive),
or run on all conditions if left empty.\n This condition is evaluated for each document,
determining whether the task should be executed based on the specified values.",
"id": "task_condition",
"type": "TEXT"
"dependsOn": "use_condition",
"name": "Stop Processing",
"description": "If the condition results in 'true', 't', 'on', '1', or 'yes' (case-insensitive),
no additional tasks will be executed for the current document being processed.",
"id": "task_stop_proc",
"type": "CHECKBOX"
"name": "Tika Content Field",
"description": "",
"id": "tejt_field_to_mark",
"type": "TEXT"
"name": "Max Content length (B)",
"description": "Do not process documents over this size. 0 to process all documents.",
"maximum": 0,
"id": "tejt_max_length",
"type": "LONG",
"minimum": 0
"name": "File Extensions to Extract",
"description": "Comma delimited list of file extensions to process or leave blank to process all.",
"id": "tejt_etp",
"type": "TEXT"
"name": "Fail Document on Extraction Error",
"description": "Fail the Document if there is an Extraction Error during processing",
"id": "tejt_fail_on_error",
"type": "CHECKBOX"
"name": "Remove content after extraction",
"description": "Removes the content after the Tika Extraction",
"id": "tejt_rm_bin",
"type": "CHECKBOX"
Optional Fields
It should be noted that the first three fields use_condition, task_condition, and task_stop_proc are optional. They appear on all tasks. If they are not included in a task body, they will set to their default values (false, blank, and false respectively). This is why, in the above job body the folder path override task did not contain those fields. Here's the return value of /api/v2/tasks/overrideFolderPathTask without the extra fields.
Key | Description | Type |
use_condition | Whether to check a condition before running the task. See our docs for more details | boolean |
task_condition | The expression used to determine whether to run the task. | String |
task_stop_proc | Prevents other tasks from being executed if the condition is met. | boolean |
"name": "Override Folder Path",
"typeId": "overrideFolderPathTask",
"fields": [
"name": "Pattern",
"description": "",
"id": "jt_folderpath_pattern",
"type": "TEXT"
and here's the value passed to the job
"taskName": "Default Override Folder Path",
"taskTypeId": "overrideFolderPathTask",
"fields": {
"jt_folderpath_pattern": "'/'"
Required Fields
Key | Description |
taskName | What you want to name the task |
taskTypeId | The id for the type of task. Use the tasks apis to see what tasks are available |
fields | A JSON object of keys and values for the required fields |
Post Processors
Post processors are tasks that run after writing is complete. They function almost identically to tasks, but many of them task authenticationIds in order to perform their operations. In order to find out what post processors a connector supports, use /api/v2/connectors/{{typeId}}/postprocessors/list. There aren't currently many connectors that support them. They can have the following fields
Key | Description |
authConnField | Takes the authenticationId of a Connection. The method will return valid connection ids as part of its options |
runForEachField | Whether the post processors will run for each document or just once, before post processing begins. Values are boolean strings "true" or "false" |
Mappings are currently only associated with jobs. Here is the example mapping from the job above
"source": "source1",
"target": "target1",
"mappingType": "FIELD_MAPPING",
"targetType": "TEXT",
"watch": false
"source": "source2",
"target": "target2",
"mappingType": "ASPECT_MAPPING",
"targetType": "DOUBLE",
"watch": false
All of these fields are required to make a mapping.
Key | Description |
source | The source field on the document |
target | The field to write the value to |
mappingType | The type of mapping this is. Options are FIELD_MAPPING, ASPECT_MAPPING, TYPE_MAPPING, and CALCULATED_FIELD. Seeour docsfor more info on what values of these fields should be |
targetType | What type of data to convert the source value into when writing |
watch | Whether or not audit the output of this mapping. |
Full Example
In this example we will follow the steps and calls in order to create a job that reads from a filesystem and writes to SharePoint. This example will not include the various GET calls requires to gather the needed information. See the swagger docs for a list of these methods.
Create Connections
Creating a filesystem connection
Use POST /api/v2/jobs
"name": "fstest",
"description": "fs test connection",
"typeId": "filesystem",
"authType": "none",
"properties": {}
and receive the following. The results are the new id of the connection.
"success": true,
"results": "67587c548c91c03d754e3feb"
Creating an Alfresco connection\ Use POST /api/v2/jobs
"name": "SPREST API",
"description": "SPREST connection",
"typeId": "sharePointREST",
"authType": "basic",
"properties": {
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"supac_s": "(your sharepoint url)"
and receive the following
"success": true,
"results": "67587cd48c91c03d754e3fee"
Create a Job
Using these connections
Use POST /api/v2/jobs
"auditAllMappings": false,
"auditEmptyMapping": false,
"batchSize": 0,
"chainJob": 0,
"chainJobWaitInterval": "",
"readSpec": {
"paths": [
"path": "/Users/user/Downloads",
"converttouri": false,
"fileconfig_processfolders": false,
"includehidden": false,
"includeempty": false
"emailNotify": "NONE",
"emailTo": "",
"endTime": 1736363460000,
"eventConfigurations": [],
"historyRetention": "ALWAYS",
"includeBinary": true,
"jobMappingId": 0,
"mappingGroupId": 0,
"mappings": [],
"maxErrors": 0,
"name": "API TEST JOB",
"outputId": "67587cd48c91c03d754e3fee",
"outputSpec": {},
"outputThreadCount": 1,
"outputTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"postProcessorThreadsCount": 1,
"postProcessors": [],
"queueCapacity": 1000,
"repoId": "67587c548c91c03d754e3feb",
"repoThreadCount": 1,
"repositoryTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"runTaskGroupAfter": false,
"startTime": 1546974660000,
"taskGroupId": 0,
"taskThreadsCount": 1,
"tasks": []
And receive the following. Results for creation and updates will be the id of the item that was updated.
"success": true,
"results": 1715353292430
Changing basic job config
Say we want to up the number of writer threads and the job name. For that we would use
PATCH /api/v2/jobs/1715353292430/config
"outputThreadCount": 10,
"name": "API TEST JOB 2"
and receive
"success": true,
"results": 1715353292430
Updating a job specification
In this case we're strategically leaving the outputSpec blank, as we are fine with most default values for the SharePoint connector. In this case we will only set the site name and output folder using the following request
PATCH /api/v2/jobs/1715353292430/specification/write
"siteNameOut": "sites/Dev",
"outputfolderpath": "/outputfolder"
and receive
"success": true,
"results": 1715353292430
Adding a task
3Sixty will always build the entire folder path for a document inside the target folder. If we want those file paths truncated for easier browsing, we can add an override task with the following
PUT /api/v2/jobs/1715353292430/tasks
"taskName": "Override Folder Path",
"typeName": "overrideFolderPathTask",
"fields": {
"jt_folderpath_pattern": "'/'"
and receive
"success": true,
"results": 1715353292430
Changing a task
For this we'll say made a mistake, and we want the overridden path on the to be "/migration/". First, we would need to call
GET /api/v2/jobs/1715353292430/tasks
and retrieve the id value of the task in question. In this case we'll use the example 10e10112-7b5f-4087-a613-3492b119e95f.
Then, we would call
PATCH /api/v2/jobs/1715353292430/tasks/10e10112-7b5f-4087-a613-3492b119e95f
"jt_folderpath_pattern": "/migration/"
Making the GET call again should show an updated task.
Adding mappings
Now, finally, we realized we want to add the original created date from the filesystem to a field called MetaDate. \ In SharePoint, this field only appears on the Content Type MetaDocument. So we'll need both a type mapping and a calculated field mapping
PUT /api/v2/jobs/1715353292430/mappings
"source": "Document",//Our default document type
"target": "MetaDocument",//The content type in sharepoint
"mappingType": "TYPE_MAPPING",
"targetType": "STRING",//Type mappings don't care about this field, but its still required
"watch": false
"source": "'#{rd.createddate}'",
"target": "MetaDate",
"mappingType": "CALCULATED_FIELD",
"targetType": "DATETIME",
"watch": false
Making the GET call again should show an updated mappings.