Centera is an archiving system that uses objects as storage elements with the application or the Centera Universal Access server storing the objects using an Ethernet interface.
Authentication Connection
Application Name: The application name registered with Centera
Application Version: Version of Centera being connected to
Cluster address: The Centera cluster being connected to
Repository Connection
Also known as an input connection. It's job is to query or crawl remote systems for files, folders, metadata, versions, and renditions.
Connection Name: This is a unique name given to the connector instance upon creation.
Description: A description of the connector to help identify it better.
Connector Type: The type of connector.
Connector Class: The class of this connector that implements the IOutputConnector interface. You may have different connector types that write to the same type of repository
Authentication Connection: None needed for this connection
Content Service Connection
Connector ID: Give your connector a unique name
Description: Provide a description for this connection
Type: Select the Filesystem Content Service Connector
Keep Connection Alive: Keep this connection active
Keep alive in Milliseconds (300000 is 5 minutes): How long until connection expires if unused
Connection URL: The web address for your connection
Security Mode: None needed for this connection
Mapping Type: Choose single map or group mapping if you are using mapping for jobs
Supported Methods
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