Audit Reports


3Sixty Reports can provide documentation and results from each time a job has been run. In this section you will find overviews, set up instructions, and use cases of the various reports you can use to see what's going on with your data. These reports can be found under the Auditing section in the left sidebar.

Audit Reports

  • Job Run History: List all jobs run in the 3Sixty instance. Has job settings, job results, and documents that succeeded, failed, or were skipped.

  • Document Search: Allows for the search for a specific document's run history.

  • Mapping Audits: Audit your job mappings

  • Search Audit: Gives basic information about search, top search terms, top documents, etc

  • Event Audit: Shows events that have been fired that have triggered event jobs. Event type jobs can be made to listen for specific events.


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