Discovery Widgets
A Widget is a UI Component that performs some purpose (search, action, display etc.). In any content view, widgets make up all of the interactive elements.
Available Widgets for 3Sixty Discovery
Widgets Definitions
A Widget Definition defines what the widget does, the type of widget it is and any custom fields required. When a Widget Instance is created from a Widget Definition, it then defines the values for the standard and custom fields of the Widget Definition.
A Widget Definition defines what the widget does, the type of widget it is and any custom fields required. A Widget Instance is just that, and instance of that widget, which uses the logic and default values attached to that definition.
For example: You can have two instances of the same facet search widget in a view, but the fields they search can be different.
3Sixty allows for easy development of widgets..
Widget Definition Configuration
All of the widgets will follow the same format. Here is a breakdown of what the fields mean.
Widget ID: The Definition ID. This is also the name of widget as it appears in JavaScript.
Widget Type: Defines the type of actions that can be performed with the widget and where they can be placed in a widget template. See the next section for what the types are and how they perform.
result_set: This type of widget is meant to act as a base layer to display results and house content actions
content_action: This widget is meant to act on a single document, but might have a bulk option
facet_search: This widget is likely a sidebar widget that searches on a configured field
top_menu: As the name suggests, these widgets appears in the menu bar. This usually represents some additional utility or bulk action
Description: The default description of what the widget does
Restrictable: Whether this widget can have permissions applied to it.
Action Type: This field reflects how the widget interacts with the source content
na: This widget does not interact with the content
GET: This widget will retrieve information or content from the source system using Content Services.
POST: This widget can create new content or create new items in the database
UPDATE: This widget can update existing content or items in the database
Template: Which templates can use this widget. Most will be simflofy. To deselect the default template hold control and select the highlighted template. This will allow this widget to be used in any template.
Custom Fields: A list of any custom fields, their descriptions and default values
In the Federation section of the navigation menu there is a link to the lists of available widget definition.
In the Widget Definition list you can search and sort by Widget ID, Type or description.
To make changes to a widget definition click the edit button. Make any necessary updates and click save. You will need to republish any templates that have widget instances based on the edited definition in use in order to see any changes reflected in your Discovery environment.
You cannot delete a widget definition that is being used by any widget instance. To delete a widget definition you must first remove it from any widget instances that are using it. Once this is done, click the delete button to the left of the definition and click ok to confirm you want to delete the definition. This action cannot be reversed.
Types of Widgets
Discovery templates can allow only certain types of widgets for each section they declare. Following is a list of the various widget types and the widgets that can be used for these types.
The list will give users an overview of how each widget can be applied to their General Discovery Platform to control the look feel and functionality.
Click on the widget link for more details on configuration, usages and examples.
Result Set
This type of widget is used to display search results. These are usually added to the body section of most templates.
Chart Facet: Create a chart based on your search results
Connector Report: Get a searchable report of a connector
Dashboard Search: A simple dashboard to track searches
Facet Search
Search on a particular facet or field. Most sidebar widgets are facet search widgets. Two out-of-the-box examples would be the single column list (similar to Google results) and a double column where results are displayed side by side.
Boolean Toggle: A true/false check box for search filters
Check box or Facet: Filter search results based on a checkbox
Date Select: Search on a date field
Drop-down Select: Use options in a drop-down to filter search
Facet Select: Select a field to search on
Full Text: A full text search box
More Like this (MLT): More results based on the ones selected
Slider: Perform a ranged search using a slider
Top Menu
This type of widget is a menu / toolbar item that provides some type of action. By default, if widgets have their bulk option enabled or a widget is a bulk action, it will be added to a Bulk Action menu. If there are no bulk actions, the menu will not appear.
Bulk Download: Download multiple documents
Metadata Export: Export a file's properties
New View: Create a new view based on search results
User Management: Set user and user group access to a view
Content Action
This type of widget leverages the 3Sixty Content Services such as the content download widget and the Image Lightbox widgets that allows users to perform actions on selected content. These widgets are usually added to the body of a content view based on the default simflofy template.
Add To View: Add documents to a different Content Search View
Check In File: Check in a file and attach a comment
Checkout File: Check out a file
Download: Download a file
Edit Form: Edit a file's properties
HTML5 Player: Open video content
Inline: View a file in a browser
Lightbox: Preview of an image
Metadata View: View a file's properties
Public Download: Generate a public link to the selected document
Remove Document: Remove one or more documents from a view
Update File: Update the content of a file
Version Info: View the version information of a document
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