Facet Select Widget
The Facet Select Widget is a Search Type Widget that allows users to select a field and then perform Equals, Contains, Starts With, Like and Not Null searches on that field.
Using the Facet Select Widget
Choose which field to search on Choose the search conditions: Contains, Equals, Starts With, or Is not Null Enter the values to search by. This search is case-sensitive.
Widget Instance Example
In this example we are using the FacetSelect widget to search for the file name field for the text entered in the field.
Caution: This widget search is case sensitive.
Name: Filename Facet Select
Widget Definition Id: FacetSelectWidget
Field: simflofy_filename
Label: Filename Lookup
Options: simflfy_filename:File Name
The options custom field is where you set the Date Field options which build the HTML select element.
The format is key:value,key:value etc.
When searching for the word "Objective" the results show us every indexed file with "Objective" in the File Name