Widget Instances


A Widget Instance is an instance of a Widget Definition that can now be placed in a Content View. These instances will be created and modified in the federation section of 3Sixty Admin. Many instances of the same definition can exist in a content view. Each instance has a unique id. 3Sixty comes preloaded with a number of common widget instances. If you don't find the type you need in your list, found under Federation > Widget Instances, you will need to create one.

In the Widget Instance list you can search and sort by name, widget ID, label and field.


To the left of each widget instance there are edit and delete buttons.

To make changes to a widget instance click the edit button. Make any necessary updates and click save. You will need to republish any templates that have the widget in use in order to see any changes reflected in your Discovery environment.

You cannot delete a widget instance that is being used by any content view template. To delete a widget instance you must first remove it from any templates it's being used on. Once this is done, you can click the delete button and click ok to confirm that you want to delete the instance. This action cannot be reversed.

Create a New Widget Instance

  • In 3Sixty Admin go to Federation > Widget Instances

  • Click the Plusbutton.

  • Select the Widget Definition for the new Widget Instance and click the Continue button

Name: The name of the Widget Instance that will be display in 3Sixty Admin when creating 3Sixty Views

Field: The facet field associated with this Widget Instance. You can put na if this Widget does not require a field but there must be a value.

Label: The label that will be displayed in the 3Sixty View when this Widget is displayed (only if the Widget shows a label).

Options is a custom field. See below

Note:  Custom Fields
Custom Fields are also defined are part of the Widget Definition and act as additional configuration for the widget. Common examples include sort order, chart size, and whether to allow the widget to perform bulk actions. In the above case, the user is defining what facts to search on, and how to label them in a drop-down. When developing a widget, all custom fields should have a default value.

Click Save to finish creating your new Widget Instance.


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Widget Instances

Content Views