JavaScript API

Repository Document

Root object: rd

Example: rd.getCreatedDate()

Add a single generic field to a document:
addSingleField(String, Object)

Add multiple values to a single field:
addArrayField(String, Object[])

Add a single Date to a field:
addSingleDateField(String, Date)

Add multiple date values to a single field:
addDateArrayField(String, Date[])

Return the created datetime of the source document as a Date:

Return the length of the binary (first binary) as a long:

Return the length of the first binary, or the originalFileLength if there are no binaries:

The original file length is set with the first file length value applied to the document, and will not change even if the binaries change:

Set the original file length field for the document:

Return the name of the file as a String:

Return the last access datetime of the document as a Date:

Return the hash value of the document's content as a String. In the case of multiple binaries, only the hash of the first will be returned:

Return the modified date of the documents as a Date:

Return the logical path (folder path) of the document from the source system as a String. If the document is a folder, this will be the parent folder, with the folder name's being the file name:

Set the filename of the document on the first binary:

Set the path of the document. This can be used to modify the output location:

Set the modified date of the document:

Return the mimetype as a 'String'. The int index is for files with multiple binaries, in most cases this will be 0. The returned format is type/subtype:
getMimeType(int index)

Set the mimetype of the first binary. If not binary is available, a default binary will be added with the set mimetype:

Example: doc.setMimeType('application/octet-stream');


Example: var binaries = rd.getBinaries()

Produces a list of 3Sixty Binary objects. The list will be empty if there is no binary

Document Fields

Obtained document fields with rd.getDocumentField(String)

Example: var field = rd.getDocumentField("title")

Produces a DocumentField object with the following methods. Returns null if the field is not present.

Get a case-insensitive version of getDocumentField():

Return a FieldStringValueHolder object with some utility methods for checking field content:

Check if the field is empty and return a boolean value:

Check if the field has multiple values (multi-valued fields). This returns a boolean value:

Return the values as a comma delimited list:

Return the value as a String array:


Example: var versionInfo = rd.getVersionInfo()

Produces a VersionInfoBean object. Null if none is present. If retrieving versions from the source repository, the task will process them in order.

Return a map of field names and document field objects. See the sample code for more information on using the map:


Job ID

Current job ID:
Root object jobId

Job Run ID

Current job run ID:
Root object jobRunId


If you wish to print to the console (the equivalent of System.out.println), use the command print();