JavaScript Cookbook

Below you wil find some examples of processors created to modify content and data with the JavaScript Processor.

Remediate Illegal Characters

Remove illegal characters on fields.

var id = rd.get3SixtySourceRepositoryId(); 
//Remove the version from the document ID:
rd.addSingleField('shortId', id.substring(0, id.indexOf(':'))); 
//Grab fields we want to clean.
var name = rd.getFileName();
var title = rd.getDocumentField('Document.title');
var description = rd.getDocumentField('Document.description'); name = cleanText(name, true);
//Set the cleansed name.
//Check title
if (title != null) {
  var titleVal = title.getFieldValue();
  titleVal = cleanText(titleVal, false);
  rd.addSingleField('Document.title', titleVal);

//Check desciption
if (description != null) {
  var descVal = description.getFieldValue();
  descVal = cleanText(descVal, false);
  rd.addSingleField('Document.description', descVal);

//Function to clean illegal characters.
function cleanText(textToClean, isName) {
  textToClean = textToClean.replace(/[^\S ]/g, ' ');
  textToClean = textToClean.replace(/[—–‐]/g, '-');
  textToClean = textToClean.replace(/[“”]/g, "'");
  textToClean = textToClean.replace(/[^a-z0-9\- ()_\/\.\s'"{}&+]/gi, "_"); 
  //Additional clean up for document names. (Includes Encoding)
  if (isName) {
    textToClean = textToClean.replace('{', '%7B');
    textToClean = textToClean.replace('}', '%7D');
    textToClean = textToClean.replace(/['"]/g, '%27%27');
  return textToClean;

Set a Date Field Using Java Date

Use a Java Date field to set the date of a property if it does not exist.

//Create a variable with the Java type.
var jDate = Java.type("java.util.Date"); 
var eventDate = rd.getDocumentField("Document.Event Date").getFieldValue(); 
//If the date does not exist on the document, use the current date.
if (!eventDate || eventDate == "") {
  eventDate =;
} rd.addSingleDateField("eventDate", new jDate(eventDate));

Using a Switch Statement

var region = rd.getDocumentField("Document.Region").getFieldValue(); 
switch (region) {
case "SE":
  region = "US - Southeast Region";
case "NE":
  region = "US - Northeast Region";
case "MW":
  region = "US - Midwest Region";
case "RM":
  region = "US - Rocky Mountain Region";
case "SW":
  region = "US - Southwest Region";
case "P":
  region = "US - Pacific Region";
  region = "-Select-";
} rd.addSingleField("region", region);

Remove Fields With No Value

var map = rd.getFieldsMap();
for (i in map) { //Loop through all the keys in the map
  var val = map[i].getFieldValue(); //Grab the value of the DocumentField
  if (val === '') { //Check if the value is empty'Removing ' + i);
  } else {
    //do something else, or omit this else statement

Convert ACLs

This example converts box editors to google drive writers.

if (rd.getACL() != null) {
  var newAcl = [];
  for (var i in rd.getACL()) {
    var acl = rd.getACL()[i];
    var split = acl.split('=');
    var nRole = ''
    if (split[1] === 'editor') {
      nRole = 'writer'
    } else {
      nRole = split[1];
    newAcl[i] = split[0] + '=' + nRole;

Remove Folders From a Parent Path

var skipFolders = 1; //This is how many folders to remove from the path
if (skipFolders > 0) {
  var absPath = rd.getPath(); //Retrieving the parent path of the document
  if (absPath.indexOf('/') === 0) { //Removing a leading slash, as they causes issues with the split
    absPath = absPath.substring(1);
  var splitPath = absPath.split('/'); //Split the path into parts
  var parts = splitPath.length; //Check how many parts the path is
  var nupath = []; //Create an array to contain the new path
  for (var i = skipFolders; i < parts; i++) { //Start loop after the skipped parts
    nupath.push((splitPath[i])); //Add the part to the array
  rd.setPath("/" + nupath.join('/')); //Combined the new path into a parent path with a leading slash