3Sixty Logging

Accessing and Updating the Logging File

3Sixty logging is set in the following file:

[3Sixty folder]\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.properties

You can set the log level of all 3Sixty classes by changing the following:

log4j.logger.com.simflofy = debug, 3sixty-admin

Replace debug with another valid options:

Level Description
ALL All levels including custom levels.
DEBUG Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
ERROR Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
FATAL Designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
INFO Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
OFF The highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging.
TRACE Designates finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG.
WARN Designates potentially harmful situations.

In production 3Sixty suggests setting logging to the ERROR level.

You'll notice there are other entries, these entries will override the com.simflofy setting for the specific packages they reference.

For example:

log4j.logger.com.simflofy.connectors.sharepoint = trace, 3sixty-admin
log4j.additivity.com.simflofy.connectors.sharepoint = false

This sets the SharePoint connector logging to trace. The second line is necessary to prevent double-logging.

3Sixty Admin Log View

To get a basic view of the log file, the Logging page can be found under the Admin Menu

This page uses the global property simflofy.admin.log.path, with a default value of ${catalina.base}/logs/3sixty-admin.log.

To modify this value edit simflofy-global.properties in the 3sixty-admin/WEB-INF/classes directory, for example:


On this page the user can download the complete 3sixty-admin.log, as well as filter the last 5000 lines of the log file:

Level Logs
Info Info, Error
Debug Info, Error, Debug
Trace All
Error Error only

You can also set the value simflofy.max.log.size to prevent performance issues. Default is 10 MB. KB and GB are also valid sizes.

Log Levels

On this page you can add or remove log appenders. Both of which are temporary. There is a list of all available connectors if you wish to modify the logging level for an individual connector.

Related Articles:

3Sixty Administration

Running and Monitoring a Job

3Sixty Global Properties