SharePoint to Alfresco MIP Incremental Scheduled Job
This tutorial will detail the steps taken to set up an incremental job that runs on a scheduler. This job's repository and output have differing timezones. In this example SharePoint will be used as the repository and will be set to GMT 0:00.
The output will be Alfresco set up on a server running in EST. If you are using other connectors, skip the Setting Up Connectors section and see the set-up instruction for the connectors you are using.
Setting Up Connectors
Creating the SharePoint Authentication Connector Example
Use the SharePoint REST documentation to determine which type of Authentication to use
Under Connection > Authentication and select the type of authentication you picked.
Fill in the fields as described by the SharePoint REST instructions
If using OAuth: Click Authenticate.
For standard OAuth, you will be redirected to a SharePoint page. Click Trust It:
For Azure OAuth, the fields should populate themselves.
Click Save.
Creating the SharePoint Repository Connector Example
In Connections > Integrations click Create Integration Connection
Select SharePoint REST Connector.
Set your Authentication Connection to be the authentication connector you set up in step 1.
Click Save.
Creating the SharePoint REST Content Services Connector Example
In Connections > Content Service click Create New Content Service Connection
On the following page, under Type select SharePoint (REST).
My sites name is sites/Dev. The list name isDocuments'.
Finally, I am using my SharePoint authentication connection I created previously as the Authentication Connection.
In your Alfresco TCS admin page, ensure that this content services connector is registered as a content store through your Alfresco Global Properties.
Creating the Alfresco Authentication Connector Example
In Connections > Authentication Connections
I have clicked Create New Authentication Connection and made a new connector with the type Alfresco Webscript Authentication Connector.
My username and passwords are the credentials of an Alfresco account with admin privileges.
My server URL is https://(servername)/alfresco/service.
My shared path is /Shared/demo , but this can be set to what you need. Ensure that Create Content URL Always is checked.
Other settings have been left as default.
Click Save.
Creating the Alfresco Output Connector
In Connections > OutputConnections
Click Create New Authentication Connection and make a new connector with the type Alfresco Output Connector.
Set your authentication connection to be the connector you used in the previous step.
Click Save.
Creating the Job Mapping
In Integration > Job Mappings click Create New Job Mapping.
Import the following mappings:
"mappings": [
"sourceType": "TEXT",
"watch": "false",
"mappingType": "CALCULATED_FIELD",
"targetType": "TEXT",
"source": "'#{rd.fileName}'",
"position": 0,
"target": "cmis:name"
"sourceType": "TEXT",
"watch": "false",
"mappingType": "ASPECT_MAPPING",
"targetType": "TEXT",
"source": "Document",
"position": 0,
"target": "cm:storeSelector"
"sourceType": "TEXT",
"watch": "false",
"mappingType": "CALCULATED_FIELD",
"targetType": "TEXT",
"source": "'#{rd.simflofyContentServiceConnector}'",
"position": 0,
"target": "cm:storeName"
Click Save.
Creating the Scheduled Job
Go to Integration > List Jobs and click Create New Job
Set your repository and output connector (in this example that would be your SharePoint and Alfresco connectors, respectively)
Set your repository content service connector to be the SharePoint Online content service connector created previously
I am first going to make this job a Simple Migration so I can integrate up the initial files that I want
By default, an Incremental Migration will set the job from and job to times to be from 1 year ago to now, which may not be what you want
To select the start time and end time that you want click the Advanced Options drop-down
Since my repository time zone is GMT 0:00 I will set Repository Time Zone to be GMT (GMT) (GMT0:00)
My output is eastern, so I will set my Output Time Zone to be America/New_York (ET) (GMT-5:00)
Uncheck Include Binaries
Go over to the Mappings tab
Set the job mappings you created earlier
Click Save and Run the job and ensure it integrated the files you wanted
Then edit the job and change it to be an Incremental Migration
Creating the Scheduler
In Integration > Schedule Jobs type in the name of your new schedule and click Add Job Schedule.
Your schedule begin date should be set to the time you want the schedule to start being active.
The end date being the time you want the scheduler to no longer run jobs.
Your interval between runs is the period of time between your schedule running your job again.
In the Select a Job drop-down select the job you made in the previous step.
Check Run Schedule to enable the job.
Click Update Configuration.
At this point when you add new files or modify files in SharePoint, they will be integrated to Alfresco at the scheduled interval times.
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