Objective Support Portal



The Objective Support Portal is the preferred channel for contacting Objective Support. Within this site you can receive:

  • 24x7x365 access to support

  • Product Centric Support

  • Incident History with real time updates

  • News & Resources for your Objective Products

Logging Incidents

Key information you can provide:

  • The time the issue occurred

  • The impact on your organisation

    • No. of users affected

    • How frequently does the issue occur

    • Is it a critical task/event

  • A description of the problem and screenshots

  • Reproduction steps if known

Incident Classification

Incident Priority

Incident Severity


Urgent/Priority 1 (P1)

All users cannot use the Objective solution or the fault is causing serious adverse business impact, and there is no reasonable workaround.

Total system outage, fault causes data loss, data corruption or security breach.

High/Priority 2 (P2)

Users cannot utilise an essential part of the Objective

solution which would cause significant business

impact if not corrected promptly, and there is no

reasonable workaround.

Significant performance degradation, important

functionality not available, some users are not

blocked from working.

Medium/Priority 3 (P3)

A system or application is moderately impacted but is operating within acceptable parameters, or a reasonable workaround exists to keep the system operating within acceptable parameters.

Some systems functions unavailable, minor performance degradation, small number of users impacted.

Low/Priority 4 (P4)

Non-critical issues, general questions, documentation discrepancies, suggestions.

Incorrect product behaviour without impact, documentation issue, request for product enhancement.

Refer to your support agreement for details of response and resolution targets.

Incident Status Definitions

New: Incident Created – Open.

Objective: Open incident being worked on by Objective.

Customer: Open incident awaiting information or response by customer.

Customer Hold: Customer has acknowledged they are unable to work on incident at this time. Incidents will only be put on hold for up to 2 weeks.

Resolved: Objective has provided customer with a workaround or what Objective believes to be a solution to their issues pending confirmation from the customer. After 7 days the issue will be deemed closed.

Closed: Solution has been provided or customer no longer requires support to investigate issue.

Fix Unscheduled: Issue will be considered for a future maintenance release.

Fix Scheduled: Fix has been scheduled for a targeted release.

Support Incident Survey

  • Upon Resolution of a Support Incident an email will be sent asking for feedback on your support experience

  • The survey is optional, but we do encourage you to complete it, as your feedback helps us determine what we’ve done well, and where we could improve