3Sixty Architecture
3Sixty Components
3Sixty Admin
Network and Firewall Requirements
3Sixty Admin
Listen (TCP) Ports 80 and/or 443
Communicates with MongoDB on (TCP) ports 27017, 27018, & 27019
Communicates with Discovery on (TCP) port(s) 443 and/or 8443
Optional: Communicates with Active Directory on ports: (TCP, UDP) 445, (TCP, UDP) 88, (UDP) 389, (TCP, UDP) 53
Optional: Communicates with LDAP on (TCP) 389, (TCP) 636
Note: Communicates with CMIS and/or ECM platforms using vendor documented ports and procedures.
Listen TCP Ports 443 and/or 8443
Communicates with 3Sixty Admin on (TCP) ports 80/443
Listen Ports 27017, 27018, & 27019
3Sixty Admin & Discovery:
Please refer to the following link Tomcat SSL for documentation of how to generate and enable SSL certificates.
Access & Permissions
3Sixty Admin & Discovery:
Windows Local or Domain user with Read/Write permissions to Install and Tomcat Temp directory
Linux Local or LDAP user with Read/Write permissions to Install and Tomcat Temp directory
Passwords and Encryption
Database Password
In the simflofy-global.properties file there is an option to encrypt the database password: simflofy.encrypt.db.passwords=false
Setting this to true will encrypt passwords using 3Sixty's default encryption.
Connector Passwords
All fields marked as passwords in the 3Sixty UI are encrypted in the database and never returned to the User Interface.
Encryption Strength
By default, 3Sixty will use whatever the default encryption strength is for Java. If you wish to use the more secure AES 256, you will need to do 2 things:
In the simflofy-global.properties file, set this setting: simflofy.aes256.encryption=true
Install the JCEK policy file. JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7 Download
For 256 you need the unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy file below. In some countries you will not be able to use this file. AES-256 Encryption with Java and JCEKS
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